Georgia Board of Pharmacy Main Office
Pharmacy and Pharmacist FAQs
Q1. What are the requirements to apply for a pharmacist license?
Submit an online application for licensure with the required fee and send the
Pharmacist Online Application Supplement Packet to the Board's office by mail: 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SE 11th Floor – East Tower, Atlanta, GA 30334.
Submit proof of graduation from an ACPE approved school or college of Pharmacy.
Applicants applying for licensure by examination must complete 1500 hours of pharmacy internship or its equivalent as provided by the Board. An applicant for licensure by examination shall submit to the Board a certification that states that the applicant has satisfied the required 1500 hours of pharmacy practice experience, which shall include practice experience in both a retail and hospital practice setting, in accordance with the standards set by the Board. An applicant for examination shall submit the certification in writing and signed under oath by a duly authorized representative of the applicant's school or college of pharmacy on a form approved by the Board.
Any intern wishing to obtain internship credit for work in a research and /or industrial program must first submit a request for approval of the program to the Board along with an outline of the program from the individual who will supervise the intern in this program. If approved by the Board, the hours will be awarded in accordance with the standards set by the Board.
If the applicant obtained his/her internship hours in another state, these hours must be transferred directly from the state board office or school in which the hours were obtained. The applicant must contact that state board or school to request that the hours be transferred to Georgia.
Q2. Do the requirements differ if I am a graduate of a foreign school of pharmacy?
A2. See Rule Board Rule 480-2-.02
A school or college of pharmacy located outside of the United States, provided that graduates of such foreign schools or colleges may be deemed qualified to apply to practice as pharmacists or pharmacy interns if and only if the Board, after a review of the graduate’s verified academic records, finds that the graduate is qualified and, in the case of a graduate who seeks licensure as a pharmacist, has passed the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination (FPGEC), and the Test of Spoken English, and the Test of English as a foreign language, all administered by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP).
Q3. How do I apply for an intern license?
First, determine if you are eligible for an intern license. For example, if you are already licensed as a pharmacist or have met the requirements to be licensed as a pharmacist, you do not qualify for intern licensure. Please see applicable law and rules including without limitation O.C.G.A. §§26-4-41(c), 26-4-46, 26-4-47, 26-4-48 and Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. r. 480-2-.03.
You are eligible for intern licensure if you have:
(1) Have submitted an online application and sent a completed
Pharmacy Intern Online Application Supplement Packet to the Board of Pharmacy;
(2) Have attained the age of majority;
(3) Be of good moral character; and
(4) Have paid the fees specified by the board for the issuance of the license.
(5) The following individuals shall be eligible to be licensed as a pharmacy intern:
(a) A student who is currently enrolled in an approved school or college of pharmacy;
(b) An individual who is a graduate of an approved school or college of pharmacy who is currently licensed by the board for the purpose of obtaining practical experience as a requirement for licensure as a pharmacist; or
(c) An individual who does not meet the requirements of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection and is a graduate of a pharmacy school or college located in another country but who has completed all requirements of the Foreign Pharmacy Equivalency Certification Program administered by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. This shall include without being limited to successful completion of all required examinations, the issuance of the equivalency certificate, and an individual evaluation by the board of the applicant's proficiency in the English language.The Board shall approve all internship programs for the purpose of providing the practical experience necessary for licensure as a pharmacist. A pharmacy intern is authorized to engage in the practice of pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist. You may download the
Pharmacy Intern Application , if you do not want to apply online.
Q4. Do I have to take an examination? Exam Score Information
Yes, each candidate submitting an application for a pharmacist license must take and pass the Georgia MPJE and NAPLEX. The candidate must receive an overall passing score of 75%. If you fail an examination the NABP requires that you wait 31 days to be re-examined for the MPJE and 45 days to be re-examined for the NAPLEX.
NAPLEX and MPJE scores are valid for two (2) years
Q5. How long does it take to receive a Pharmacist license after sitting for the examination?
Application processing times vary due to the volume of applications we receive. Currently, application processing takes approximately 35 business days.
Effective July 1, 2012, the Georgia Board of Pharmacy stopped printing hard copies of blue wall licenses and pocket cards to licensees free of charge. This change impacted all license types. You may print a PDF version of your pocket license card, free of charge.
If you would like to order a hard copy of your license directly from the Board, you may
print a request form , complete it, and send the request form with a fee of $25 to the Georgia Board of Pharmacy, 2 Peachtree Street NW, 6th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303.
To order a copy of your wall certificate, please
complete an order form and send the form with a fee of $50 to the Georgia Board of Pharmacy, 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SE 11th Floor – East Tower, Atlanta, GA 30334.
Q6. Does the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy have reciprocity with other states?
Yes, the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy reciprocates with all states. Georgia reciprocates with applicants licensed in California after 2004. Applicants licensed in California prior to 2004 must sit for the complete pharmacy examination (NAPLEX and MPJE).
Q7. What are the Reciprocity Licensure requirements?
Submit an application and the required fee. License transfer applications are available via NABP. NABP's review process can take three to five business days. Once this process is complete, NABP will submit your official license transfer application to the Georgia Board of Pharmacy. You must register and pay the required fee to NABP to sit for the MPJE.
Submit your official Georgia application with the required $550 total fee in two separate checks one for $500 and one for $50 ($500 non-refundable application fee, and $50 non-refundable decorative wall certificate fee).
Applicant must reciprocate from the first state in which he/she was licensed by examination with a current license and in good standing.
You may review additional
reciprocity requirements .
Q8. Will the Board issue temporary licenses?
O.C.G.A. § 26-4-43 allows for temporary licenses. A temporary license may be issued by the executive director upon the approval of the president if satisfactory evidence is provided in pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 26-4-43. Contact the Board office to obtain a form for a temporary license.
Q9. How much does it cost to obtain a license?
Georgia issues several different types of licenses. Each type of license has a non-refundable application fee. Please see the
fee schedule .
Q10. How do I submit a name and/or address change?
The Board accepts address changes for pharmacists and interns submitted online, via letter, or by fax. For a pharmacist or intern interested in a name change, you must send a letter requesting a change to the Board office, along with a copy of the legal document showing the change.
For example, if Ms. Jane Doe née Smith wanted to change the name on her professional license to reflect her new married name, she would send a letter to the Board office stating as follows: “I, Ms. Jane Smith (pharmacist license number: RPH000000), would like my name changed to Ms. Jane Doe on my professional license.” She would include a copy of her marriage license showing Smith as her new name.
Name change requests should be sent to the Georgia Board of Pharmacy:
Georgia Board of Pharmacy Main OfficePlease expect 7-10 business days for receipt and processing.
For pharmacy name or address changes, file an application with the Board. The application may be found on the Applications and Forms page. GDNA must conduct a site visit and submit approval to the Board prior to the name and/or address of the pharmacy being changed.
Q11. What must I do to renew my license?
You may renew your license online at the time of renewal. All licenses will expire on December 31st of every even numbered year. Please see the
fee schedule for details.
You must attain the required number of Continuing Education hours (see Georgia Board Rule 480-4-.06 for specific continuing education requirements). Only those selected for CE audit need to submit proof of CE hours.
All non-renewed licenses may be renewed late through January 31st of the year following the renewal year. However, a late penalty fee is assessed. Please see the fee schedule on the Board website.
After January 31st of the following year, the license is administratively revoked and requires reinstatement by the Board. Reinstatement requests shall be in writing to the Board. See
Board Policies 3A, 3B, and 4 concerning requirements applying for Reinstatement of a Pharmacy License.
Q12. Do I submit my continuing education hours to the Board office?
ONLY those Pharmacists randomly selected for Continuing Education audit must submit proof of their continuing education credits along with their renewal application. You will receive specific instructions if you are chosen for an audit.
Q13. Does the Board have Inactive Status?
A13. See Board Rule 480-3-.02.
Requests for Inactive Licensure Status must be made to the Board in writing. Pharmacists requesting inactive status must have an active license in good standing which includes meeting the continuing education requirements as outlined in board policy. Pharmacists holding an inactive license may not practice pharmacy. An individual with an inactive license does not have to meet the continuing education requirements for subsequent renewal periods.
Pharmacists who wish to reactivate their license must complete and submit the
proper application and meet the requirements of the Board for reactivation as set forth in Board Policy. See
Board Policies 3A and 3B.
Q14. How do I reinstate my license?
Board Policies 3A and 3B.
- Contact the Board Office for the Reinstatement Application.
- Submit the fee for Reinstatement (Staff will compute this for you and notify you of the amount with the application).
- The Board must approve all reinstatements.
Q15. Pharmacy Technicians
A15. See O.C.G.A. § 26-4-82 and 26-4-88
- The Georgia Board of Pharmacy only recognizes as certified technicians those who completed a Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) nationally certified pharmacy technician program.
- Technicians must be easily identifiable by wearing a name badge at all times.
- Technician Ratios: The pharmacist to pharmacy technician ratio may not exceed one pharmacist providing direct supervision of three pharmacy technicians. The Board may consider and approve an application to increase the pharmacist to pharmacy technician ratio if the pharmacy is a hospital pharmacy, and the application otherwise complies with O.C.G.A. §26-4-82(d).
- Only pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and interns/externs may work in the pharmacy prescription department.
- Technicians may not provide patient counseling.
Q16. Supervision of Interns / Externs
A pharmacist may be assisted by, and directly supervise, one pharmacy intern and one pharmacy extern.
Only pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and interns/externs may be work in the pharmacy prescription department.
Q17. National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
NABP information may be found on their website at:
They have Frequently Asked Questions on their website as well. -
Q18. Wholesale Licenses
- See Board Rule 480-7.
- For Licensing Requirements see 480-7-.03.
- Registration will be considered on the basis of the application filed with the Board, fee paid, and report from GDNA certifying that the applicant possesses the necessary qualifications for a license.
- Application fees are non-refundable.
Does Georgia issue out-of-state wholesale permits? Yes (See O.C.G.A. 26-4-115 and Board Rule 480-7-.02) The form may be found on the Applications and Forms page. -
Q19. Manufacturer’s Permit
A19. See Rule 480-7-.01
Applications for registration must be filed with the Board in duplicate with required fee.
Registration of a manufacturer will be considered on the basis of the application filed, fee paid, and a report from GDNA certifying the applicant possesses the necessary qualifications for a permit.
Application fees are non-refundable.
Permits shall not be transferable. Permits become null and void upon the sale, or change of mode of operation of the business, or location of the business.
Licenses are renewed for two years and expire on June 30th of each odd-numbered year. Licenses may be renewed upon the payment of the required fee and the filing of an application for renewal. If the application for renewal is not made and the fee paid before September 1st of the odd numbered year, the license shall lapse and shall not be renewable except by application for a new license.
Q20. Researcher Permit
A20. See Rule 480-7-.04
Applications for registration must be filed with the Board, in duplicate with the required fees.
Registration of a Researcher will be considered on the basis of the application filed, fee paid, and a report from GDNA certifying the applicant possesses the necessary qualifications for a permit.
Application fees shall NOT be refundable.
Permits shall not be transferable. Permits become null and void upon the change of mode, operation and/or location of the permit-holder.
Permits are renewable every two (2) years and expire on June 30th of the even numbered years. Permits may be renewed upon the payment of the required renewal fee and the filing of the renewal application form. If the application is not made and the fee not paid before September 1st of the even-numbered year, the permit shall lapse and shall not be renewable except by application for a new permit.
Q21. Reverse Distributor
A21. See Rule 480-7-.05
Every firm, whether located inside or outside the State of Georgia, which receives drugs for destruction, return credit, or otherwise disposes of drugs received from a registrant located in the State of Georgia which holds a permit or license to dispense or possess drugs, shall be known as a Reverse Distributor or a Reverse Drug Distributor.
In order for any Reverse Distributor, wherever located, to engage in the business of receiving drugs for destruction, return credit, or other disposal from a registrant located in Georgia, it must be licensed as a Reverse Distributor by the Board.
The minimum requirements for applications for registration as a Reverse Distributor with the Board will be the same as required under Rule 480-7-.03(3).
Q22. Chemical Wholesale Distributor
A22. See Rule 480-7A – Please read this entire rule because it is lengthy and there are some exceptions for licensure.
Requirements for licensure:
Listed chemical wholesale distributors that provide services within this State, whether the listed chemical wholesale distributor is located within this State or outside this State, shall be licensed by the Board and shall biennially renew their permit or license with the Board using an application provided by the Board.
Where listed chemical wholesale distribution operations are conducted at more than one location, each such location shall be licensed by the Board.
A person or firm holding a valid permit issued by the Board and licensed as a wholesale distributor under Code Section 26-4-113 shall not be required to obtain an additional license under this Code section. Wholesale distributors licensed under Code Section 26-4-113 shall be subject to the provisions of this Code section in the same manner as chemical wholesale distributors licensed under this Code section.
Licenses become null and void upon the sale, transfer or change of mode of operation or location of the business.
Q23. Retail Pharmacy
A23. See Rule 480-10
Every retail pharmacy must be licensed by the Board.
A “retail pharmacy” shall mean all pharmacies, except hospital, clinic, prison, and specialty pharmacies, located in this state where a pharmacy is practiced as defined in O.C.G.A. § 26-4-4 and 26-4-5, and shall mean every pharmacy benefit manager, as defined in O.C.G.A. § 26-4-110.1, providing services or benefits in this State that constitute the practice of pharmacy as defined in O.C.G.A. § 26-4-4.
Licenses are to be renewed biennially by June 30th of the odd-numbered years.
PPM licensees are to follow 480-10.
Out-of-state retail permits are not issued – See O.C.G.A. § 26-4-28 (a) 6.
Q24. Hospital Pharmacies
A24. See Rule 480-13
Licensure and Registration information may be found at Rule 480-13-.02.
Registration of a hospital pharmacy shall be considered filed with the Board when all of the following are received by the Board:
- an application
- non-refundable application fee, and
- a report from GDNA certifying that the applicant possesses the necessary qualifications for a license.
A license shall become null and void upon the sale, transfer, or change of mode of operation or location of the business.
Q25. Opioid Treatment Program Clinic Pharmacies
A25. See Rule 480-18
All opioid treatment program clinics must have an on-site pharmacy. Not only is this addressed in the BOP rules, but it is required in Title 26 of the Georgia law.
All such pharmacies shall obtain a license by registering with the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy. See Rule 480-18 (2) for requirements for licensure.
See Rule 480-18-.03 for Personnel questions.
See Rule 480-18-04 for regulations concerning the absence of a pharmacist.
Q26. Nuclear Pharmacists and Nuclear Pharmacies
A26. See Rule 480-25
Requirements for a Nuclear Pharmacist License may be found at 480-25-.03
Requirements for a Nuclear Pharmacy License may be found at 480-25-.04
Q27. Practitioner Dispensing of Drugs
A27. See Rule 480-28
A permit is not required for practitioners who dispense medications from their offices or clinics; however, practitioners who do so must follow Rule 480-28.
Q28. State Controlled Substances Permit
Georgia does not issue a state controlled substances permit to pharmacists, pharmacies or practitioners.
Q29. Mail Order Pharmacies
The Georgia Board of Pharmacy has promulgated rules including but not limited to 480-6-.02, 480-48-.01, and 480-48-.02 regarding non-resident retail pharmacies and the delivery of drugs by mail.
Parties interested in applying for a non-resident pharmacy permit should
submit an application .
Q30. Where can I find the Controlled Substances Act and Dangerous Drugs List?
A30. See O.C.G.A. § 16-13
Q31 Where can I find the Drug and Cosmetic Act?
See O.C.G.A. § 26-3
Q32. Where can I find the Pharmacy Practice Act?
A32. See O.C.G.A. § 26-4
Q33. Do I need to post the permit/license issued to me by the Board of Pharmacy?
Yes. The rules require a Board permit, as well as the DEA permit, to be posted in a conspicuous location for inspection easily accessible for GDNA inspections.
Q34. Where do I send the green DEA Form 222?
Send it to DEA - Atlanta Division, 75 Sprint St, SW, Room 800, Atlanta, GA 30303.
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